Sprout School (6 weeks – 12 months)

Our Nursery School Program is designed for infants ages 6 weeks – 12 months. Our high-quality Early Childhood staff will engage with your infant to explore all five senses, exploring textures, colors, learning to communicate verbally and visually. We will begin to set the foundation of living with Jesus as their foundation through song, play, stories, rhymes, and more.

Teachers in our Nursery School will engage in purposeful play while following a scope and sequence that structures infants’ developmental areas. These areas include:

Loose Part Play, Natural Intentional Play, and Nature-Based Learning

At KPC, we believe deeply that children develop through intentional play-based learning experiences using Loose Parts, Nature-Based Learning, and Natural Intentional Play. Loose parts play is a type of play that supports invention, divergent thinking, problem-solving, and offers a sense of wonder to children. They are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart, and put back together in multiple ways. By engaging these three forms of play, we can develop intentional learning objectives that focus on all areas of development socially, emotionally, cognitively, mentally, spiritually, and physically to develop the whole child through all Early Childhood developmental years.

Building a Foundation in Jesus

Our teachers will share age-appropriate books, nursery rhymes, songs, music, and stories with your infant about Jesus and the Story of God daily. They will show them Jesus through daily interactions and words while loving them as Christ loves the church. Each classroom will journey through the Bible during the year, teaching and engaging students at developmentally appropriate levels to set the stage for a lifelong intentional relationship with Jesus.

Language and Literacy Development

  • Make noises and sounds in an attempt to speak

  •  Understand a variety of spoken words by observing, listening, and engaging

  •  Use sounds and gestures to express needs, wants, and desires

  •  Listen to books, songs, and rhymes spoken aloud.

Executive Function:

  •   Focus attention for short periods

  • Work on problem-solving using different sounds, movements, and pointing

  • Focus on memory development

Social and Emotional Development

  • Forms attachments to familiar adults

  •  Forms interaction with peers

  •  Expresses emotions through facial expressions, sounds, and movement

  • Understanding self through visually seeing themselves

Physical Development

  •  Physical milestones such as rolling over, crawling, walking

  •  Reaching and grasping for objects

  • Begin engaging in self-care such as washing hands and changing clothing

  • Curiosity of eating and trying new foods

Cognitive Development

  • Noticing familiar and unfamiliar people, places, and things

  • Mimic others

  • Use all five senses to observe and explore

  •  Act in the movement to get responses from others