Waitlist Details

Wait lists in Early Childhood Education are ever-evolving.

There are many factors that cause a spot to open within any age group or program at KPC.

Unfortunatly, we are not able to give you a specific time frame on how long your student will wait for a spot. There are to many variables at play. A student can wait a week or a year. Wait time depends on all items listed below but those items are examples and not inclusive.

Sprout School (6 weeks - 1 year olds) Waitlist Details:

Currently we are working toward opening a second classroom for students aged 6 weeks - 1 years old. State ratio is 1 adult per 4 students. This means we can house 4 babies at anyone time at KPC. When we are able to open a second classroom we will be able to house 8 babies. Due to the low ratio (which is a GOOD thing) many time babies will not be able to get into KPC until they turn 1 year old. In our 1-2 year old classroom we can house 10 babies. It is a 2:10 ratio in that classroom.

When you join the wait list for Sprout School. Your student will stay on the wait list until a spot opens up or you ask to be removed from the waiting list which ever comes first.

If a spot does not open in Sprout School and your child turns 1 year old they will move to the Play School waitlist at that time.

Examples of situations that could open a spot for your student may include but are not limited to:

1. A family relocates to another state or city.

2. A family choosing to stay home and no longer work or need Childcare.

3. Families moving to different work shifts no longer need childcare.

4. A grandparent retiring and now able to care for their grandchild.

5. The loss of a job for a parent/guardian that eliminates the need for childcare.

6. A student aging up to the next age group. This happens in a domino effect. Meaning, when a student turns the next year old AND they are ready to move to the next classroom AND there is a spot open in the next classroom for that child to move too. T

  • Children on the waitlist are not given a "number" on the waitlist.

When a spot opens up it is filled in the following manner:

1. Is there a current KPC student that needs to age up? If so, they would get the open spot. This then would create an open spot in the classroom they are moving from and then it is a ripple effect down through the classrooms.

2. Is there a current KPC student with a sibling needing a spot in the room with the open spot? If so, that student is offered the open spot.

Do we have Open Enrollment?

Yes, once a year we have Open Enrollment for the next school year. School years run August - July.

Open Enrollment begins in February for Current KPC families to re-enroll for the next school year.

In March, Enrollment opens for waitlist families. Wait List families will receive an email from the Director with current opening status in the classroom that family needs.

In April, Enrollment opens for the community at large for any remaining open spots for the upcoming school year.

There are continually open spots at KPC all throughout the year due to various reasons but no open spots are predictable.

We encourage all families to join the Waiting List as soon as possible. We can not contact you for an open spot unless you are on the Waiting List.

If a spot opens and your family is not ready to accept the spot you have the option to remain on the Waiting List for the next open spot or be removed from the Waiting List. You are not removed from the WaitList until you request us to do so.
If you have any questions email: info@kpcministry.com

All students wishing to attend KPC must each complete the Pre-Registration Process which includes completing the Pre-Registration Form on our website and paying the $80 Pre-Registration Fee.